HomeCultivate & THRIVE your SOCIALS (an implementation Bootcamp)
Cultivate & THRIVE your SOCIALS (an implementation Bootcamp)
Cultivate & THRIVE your SOCIALS (an implementation Bootcamp)

Cultivate & THRIVE your SOCIALS (an implementation Bootcamp)

Product Description

Cultivate & THRIVE is a FOCUSED bootcamp to HELP you ACCELERATE your Social Media presence and monetize it. We will have a beautiful infusion of social media strategies, mindset PLUS manifestation rituals!! This is NOT a learn & forget about it sort-of bootcamp. This is an initiate-implement-intentional action BOOTCAMP so you see focused RESULTS from DAY-1!! We start from 7th April 2021 & it is a 15-day bootcamp. Here's what we will be COVERING: 1. Creating UNIQUE IDENTITY for your Social Media Channels that will help you to STAND OUT! 2. Creating your SOCIAL MEDIA RHYTHM. 3. Productivity & Time Cultivation HACKS 4. Journaling Ritual to unblock your Social Media LIMITING BELIEFS. 5. Finding your unique VOICE on social media - a DEEP manifestation ritual! 6. Cultivating the story-teller inside of YOU. 7. Accelerating your SOCIAL MEDIA presence. 8. Behind-the scenes of my 42K+ FB Group 9. Growth STRATEGIES plus Implementation 10. Creating your very own PRODUCT-CONSTELLATION 11. Monetizing your socials!


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